Function futures::task::with_unpark_event[][src]

pub fn with_unpark_event<F, R>(event: UnparkEvent, f: F) -> R where
    F: FnOnce() -> R, 
👎 Deprecated:

recommended to use FuturesUnordered instead

For the duration of the given callback, add an “unpark event” to be triggered when the task handle is used to unpark the task.

Unpark events are used to pass information about what event caused a task to be unparked. In some cases, tasks are waiting on a large number of possible events, and need precise information about the wakeup to avoid extraneous polling.

Every Task handle comes with a set of unpark events which will fire when unpark is called. When fired, these events insert an identifier into a concurrent set, which the task can read from to determine what events occurred.

This function immediately invokes the closure, f, but arranges things so that task::park will produce a Task handle that includes the given unpark event.


This function will panic if a task is not currently being executed. That is, this method can be dangerous to call outside of an implementation of poll.