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use crate::cmd::{Binary, Command, Runnable}; use crate::toolchain::MAIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME; use crate::tools::{Tool, RUSTUP}; use crate::workspace::Workspace; use failure::{Error, ResultExt}; use std::env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io; use tempfile::tempdir; static RUSTUP_BASE_URL: &str = "https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup/dist"; pub(crate) struct Rustup; impl Runnable for Rustup { fn name(&self) -> Binary { Binary::ManagedByRustwide("rustup".into()) } } impl Tool for Rustup { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "rustup" } fn is_installed(&self, workspace: &Workspace) -> Result<bool, Error> { let path = self.binary_path(workspace); if !path.is_file() { return Ok(false); } Ok(crate::native::is_executable(path)?) } fn install(&self, workspace: &Workspace, _fast_install: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { fs::create_dir_all(workspace.cargo_home())?; fs::create_dir_all(workspace.rustup_home())?; let url = format!( "{}/{}/rustup-init{}", RUSTUP_BASE_URL, crate::HOST_TARGET, EXE_SUFFIX ); let mut resp = workspace .http_client() .get(&url) .send()? .error_for_status()?; let tempdir = tempdir()?; let installer = &tempdir.path().join(format!("rustup-init{}", EXE_SUFFIX)); { let mut file = File::create(installer)?; io::copy(&mut resp, &mut file)?; crate::native::make_executable(installer)?; } Command::new(workspace, installer.to_string_lossy().as_ref()) .args(&[ "-y", "--no-modify-path", "--default-toolchain", MAIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME, "--profile", workspace.rustup_profile(), ]) .env("RUSTUP_HOME", workspace.rustup_home()) .env("CARGO_HOME", workspace.cargo_home()) .run() .with_context(|_| "unable to install rustup")?; Ok(()) } fn update(&self, workspace: &Workspace, _fast_install: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { Command::new(workspace, &RUSTUP) .args(&["self", "update"]) .run() .with_context(|_| "failed to update rustup")?; Command::new(workspace, &RUSTUP) .args(&["update", MAIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME]) .run() .with_context(|_| format!("failed to update main toolchain {}", MAIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME))?; Ok(()) } }