Extracting Data from a Private Rust Project

This section shows how to extract data from a private Rust project.

Building Qrates

The first step is to check out and compile Qrates:

git clone https://github.com/rust-corpus/qrates.git
cd qrates
git submodule update --init
cargo build --all --release

After the successful build, in the target/release directory there should be an executable file called rustc. We will extract the information by using this special rustc to compile the project. To do so, we need to set environment variable RUSTC to contain its path:

export RUSTC="$(pwd)/target/release/rustc"

We also need to set the environment variable SYSROOT to contain the sysroot of the Rust version we used to compile Qrates and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain the lib directory in SYSROOT:

export SYSROOT="$(rustc --print sysroot)"

We also need to create a directory to store the extracted data and set the environment variable CORPUS_RESULTS_DIR to point to it:

mkdir -p ../workspace/rust-corpus/
export CORPUS_RESULTS_DIR="$(pwd)/../workspace/rust-corpus/"

Compiling a Project

As an example, let's try to extract information from the master branch of the rand crate.

Clone the rand crate repository:

cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/rust-random/rand.git
cd rand

Check that the environment variables RUSTC, SYSROOT, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and CORPUS_RESULTS_DIR are set correctly.

Compile the project:

cargo build

If the compilation was successful, CORPUS_RESULTS_DIR directory should contain many bincode files:

build_script_build_641a6913d88f2b1b.bincode  ppv_lite86_89695c0a0a962fc8.bincode
build_script_build_679051cf1df6d8f8.bincode  rand_0330e33c1ee64866.bincode
cfg_if_f903336a35b88a26.bincode              rand_chacha_23c71b977e463cb8.bincode
getrandom_9a46159fdf341523.bincode           rand_core_272caddfb637ce01.bincode